【同义词辨析】 2020-04-07 遥远distant-removed

distant: stresses separation and implies an obvious interval whether long or short: went to live in a ~ city.  separate分离,强调没有连接;对比divide也是分离,但强调将整体分成部分   interval间隔refers to an intervening time or space如时间空间间隔,如the intervals between meals were very short每顿饭之间的间隔很短,如the path is marked with rocks at intervals小路每隔一定距离就有石头做标记;在体育上这个词表示中场休息a break between the parts of a sports match,如leading 3-0 at the interval中场休息时以3比0领先;来自词根INTER表示之间between,和词根VAL表示价值worth,inter+val之间有价值,表示有间隔)

far: in most of its uses applies to what is a long way off: retreat to the ~ reaches of the wilderness.

far-off: stresses distance and is often preferred when distance in time is specifically implied: some ~ day.

faraway: differs little from far-off but may sometimes connote a hazy remoteness or even obscurity: began to have a ~ look in her eyes.   (obscure表示being not clear or not famous不清楚或不显著,如the point of his speech is obscure他发言的要点模糊不清,如there were many obscure poets in Tang dynasty唐朝有许多不知名的诗人,如Jude the obscure无名的裘德)  haze雾霭雾霾,可能是水气或烟尘,会稍微影响视线==>不清楚,和obscure同义      又如she smiled with a faraway look in her eyes她微笑着,眼神缥缈恍惚

remote: suggests a far removal from one's point of view, time, or location and is likely to connote a consequent lessening of importance to oneself: spent her life on a ~ island.   remote和下一个词removed都来自词根RE,表示回退back ,和词根MOV/MOT表示移动to move           强调和自身遥远或疏远,如a remote corner of the world世界上偏远的角落,如her manner was polite but remote她彬彬有礼却显得疏远,如a/the remote relative/possibility/past亲/很小的可能性/遥远的过去

removed: carries a stronger implication of separateness and may suggest a contrast not only in time and space but in character or quality: sought a quiet retreat, ~ from the everyday world and its tensions.

distant有距离的远的: 强调明显间隔无论长短,far遥远: 指距离,far-off遥远久远: 强调间隔长,特别是时间上的,faraway遥远心不在焉: 除表示距离,还表示思绪飘远心不在焉,remote遥远: 表示远离自身视角时空,因而不重要,removed遥远: 间隔的含义更强,不仅用于时空还用于品质

记忆方法: 1)首字母DFFFRR想成different不同<==遥远   ""本义为"遥远,距离长"。"袁"本义是衣服特别长的样子,走之表示与行走有关,字面意思是要走很长时间,因此距离远。引申为时间久意义深关系疏志向高等     ""的意思是"",广雅:"遥,远也",表意不明,如遥望遥祭遥相呼应路遥    ""本义为"不远","斤"是的象形。意思是手拿斧子在路上走,一般是干活,去的地方通常不远,所以产生了与"远"相反的含义,即本义为"不远、附近"。引申为时间短关系亲密意义浅显。如逼近近亲近期近贤远佞亲近       "遐"从从叚,"叚"意为非原居地借居地,辵叚合用表示"远走外地",即借居异地,自然引申为"遥远",如遐迩,遐想表示"超越时空的高远想象"     "迩"表示距离近,和"遐"相对,还表示浅,如迩来表示近来,表意不明

         2)遥远的意思是时间空间关系不近mean not close in space, time, or relationship.